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About Us

It seems that we have been stumbling into God's plan for this ministry each unexpected step after the other!


In August 2020, our neighbors were having a garage sale and auction.  I showed up intending to buy a shovel and ended up winning the bid for the entire house!


Two weeks later, after wondering why in the world I had this house, I got a call from 2 men needing a place to crash temporarily.  I knew at that moment why God gave me the house - for those who needed a safe place.

We gave the house the nickname "Grandma's House" because of the amazing decor that we left from previous owners.  We still refer to the house as Grandmas House today!


In November 2021 Ali became my beautiful wife and began to suggest that a more official structure and organization might better help the men we are being called to help.  Per normal, she was correct.

Summer 2022 we started to build the idea of starting a non-profit, and calling it  "Easter Community Transition House" - because of the street it was located on, and because the gift of Easter is the gift of new life, second chances, hope and rebirth - which was the core of our mission and purpose.  


In November of 2022, we met with our first Board of Directors and Ali began the process of filing all the paperwork to form a non-profit!

In Spring of 2023, we became an official 501C3 entity and were known as  "ECTH" (Easter Community Transition House).

In September 2023, we formed our first house guidelines, rules, expectations, and chose our first interim house manager to help oversee the house!


In December 2023, the board of directors approved the first official annual budget and housing agreement for the non-profit to exist with it's own bank account and giving options!


In March 2024, we the idea of broadening the ministry to allow for growth and more staff began to arise.  The idea of creating a larger entity called "beggarman ministries" to oversee more than one house and expand the mission & vision seemed more and more appealing and inspired.  


In April 2024, God provided new legal counsel to help us and 4 new board members and a new umbrella non-profit called "beggarman ministries" was born.  


In May 2024, We received our IRS determination letter, and we were official and running! 


Also in May 2024, Eric stepped off staff from Hope Community Church as recovery pastor and became first full-time director of beggarman ministries.  Also, the board approved the official first house manager position for grandmas house, and hired Mikey Harper!

So we are now officially a Non-profit community charitable organization that exists for the purpose of meeting people where they are in their journey of life and helping them have a safe place to get back up.  We have had 16 men as residents of our first house since 2020, and we continue to grow the mission and model of sustainable change for those who need another chance.  


Even though we are not sure what the future looks like, it has been amazing to see our Creator bring some beautiful people to live in our community.   We also have loved watching God open doors and bring us the right people and resources to serve those in our ministry!   While we don't know what the next steps look like, we do know that our vision is clear, our model is sustainable and transformative, and our Heavenly Father is powerful to guide us through all things.  Thanks for reading our history, and may you find joy and gratitude in looking back to see God at work in your own story.  We would love to have you join us if you are able - with time, donations, prayer or opportunities to share our vision with your community!  


Blessings on your journey!   Beggarman Ministries.  

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