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Eric Hauck


The truth is, none of us can make it on our own. We were created to need others, and I would not be where I am today with out people who generously gave me help when I needed it. The goodness of God has mostly been shown to me through the blessing and provision of friends, family and strangers He has put in my path again and again. I have been given so so much in life that I didn't deserve, and so I want nothing more than to be able to give a chance to those who the world says doesn't deserve it... just like me. As director of Beggarman Ministries, I want to be able to show value, safety and hope to those who need a space to get back up.

I first opened up the transition house in 2020. Since it began, we have made tons of mistakes, learned what doesn't work, lost money, gotten pissed, wanted to quit, felt defeated & confused, and really had no idea what we were doing! However, since the first resident at "grandma's house" in 2020, we have also laughed a lot, made some new friends, experienced some beautiful community, finished some renovation projects, hosted 16 men (as of 6.12.24), seen men find hope & good jobs, received donations of time, money and meals, witnessed the love of Jesus manifested through others to show value, hope and purpose. It is a wild ride and I am so glad to be a part of this.

I spent 22 years raising boys and serving on church staff - as worship pastor, youth pastor, recovery pastor and preaching pastor. As of May 1, 2024, I stepped into full-time work with the ministry of transitional housing through beggarman ministries. It seems like the next step for how my Good Shepherd wants to use me in my journey. As I climb this mountain of faith, I am honored and kinda scared to be asked to bring others along with me as we seek to keep our eyes on Jesus and walk in the light in the midst of the darkness and storms of life. Please lmk if you have questions, ideas or things you need help with in your journey. we are all just beggars showing other beggars where we found bread!'s to loving & serving God's favorite beggars... I hope you can join us.

Eric Hauck
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